I spent a glorious weekend being wined and dined. Thrown in was some knitting and baking and watching of ‘Arrested Development’ dvds. Marvelous!

Today I am off to the vet because I have a cat who is not acting in her usual fashion. At the moment she is in our basement, underneath a sofa – definitely something wrong. Ugh. I have been seeing far too much of the vet lately!

What this means is that you all are getting the short end of the stick….. there’s a little less blogging time today. I shall leave you with a picture of my weekend baking escapades. This is a first for me …… bread!


can you smell it?

10 thoughts on “

  1. I love homemade bread. Love to make it, bake and sniff the hell out of it. I’m on my way. Sorry about kitty. I am dealing with a kitty issue as well. Mine sounds like the same as a blogger. My daughter will be devastated if it comes to be.

  2. We made bread this weekend too, although our loaves were not so beautiful! Welcome to bread making–it’s addictive.

    Best wishes with your vet visit–do you have a reserved parking space there yet?

  3. My mom makes fresh bread every week. I love to smell it cooking and nothing is better than that first piece of bread off of the still warm loaf. Yum!

    Hope the kitty is alright.

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